
Win a FREE Break


We NEVER share this information and you will only hear from us. This is an exclusive competition that we run at Dog shows, for your chance to WIN a completely FREE four-night break at Woodfarm …

Dog friendly cottage with a view

Our holiday cottages in Suffolk Lifestyle magazine

Eaux! Ok then, I’d love to feature my holiday cottages in your Suffolk luxury lifestyle magazine! See what I did there? When Eaux magazine contacted me to ask if I wanted my cottages to appear …

Dog friendly cottage with a view

Escape the norm in our Suffolk holiday cottages

We are just finishing off our new website that we’ve been working on for months, which got me thinking deeper about what we offer visitors to our holiday cottages in Suffolk. If you read the …

Image on Food

Image on Food in our holiday cottages

One of the most satisfying parts of what I do is meeting other business owners as my guests, that have developed their own enterprises from nothing too. One of my longest standing and loyal guests …