Woodfarm Barns Underfloor Heating
Underfloor Heating instructions for all Barns
Please note that we endeavour to have the temperature appropriate for the weather conditions and you shouldn’t need to touch the controls. However, here is a simple guide should you wish to later it. Please DO NOT switch it off at the wall. If it’s too hot for you, it can be turned down.
The heating comes up in the evening and the morning, then lower during the day and overnight. If you need it altering, just give us a ring and we’ll tell you how to do it. If you wish to do it yourself, here’s how:
The main thing to know, is that the temperature displayed is the temperature of the floor, NOT the room, so this will ‘look’ different to a normal thermostat. Ideally in the colder weather, the evening & morning setting wants to be around 32 to 38, with the daytime and overnight setting around 17/18.
You can alternate between the warmer and colder setting at any time simply by pressing the Sun (warmer) or the Moon (colder) button.
To change the temperature settings
Morning & Evening: Press the Sun symbol on the top right and then press the up or down arrows to get the required temp. The Sun symbol should disappear when you use the arrows. Then press and hold the Sun symbol again until it comes back in the display. This has reset the morning and evening temperature.
Daytime & Overnight: Press the Moon symbol on the top right and then press the up or down arrows to get the required temp. The Moon symbol should disappear when you use the arrows. Then press and hold the Moon symbol again until it comes back in the display. This has reset the daytime and overnight temperature.
If you want a constant temperature
Switch to manual mode with the bottom left hand button. It’ll switch between manual (with a hand symbol in the digital display, and a clock symbol in the digital display. When putting to manual, use the up and down arrows to select a constant temperature.