Do you have shops near your Barns & Barges?
By Carl Scott
This blog post introduces you to a video that I shot to answer the common question of “Do you have shops near your Barns & Barges? ”. It’s part of our series of ‘You Ask, We Answer’ videos and blogs. They cover loads of our FAQ’s, or Frequently Asked Questions, but with a (we hope) really helpful deeper dive.
At Woodfarm Barns & Barges, we understand that planning the perfect getaway involves many questions and uncertainties. To help you navigate through these and to ensure you have the best experience possible, we’ve launched our ‘You Ask, We Answer’ initiative. This approach isn’t just about promoting our Barns, Cottages and Barges; it’s about providing valuable information, solutions, and peace of mind to our prospective guests.
Anyway, this is the video, and the transcript is below it if you wish to go back over anything.
This is what I said…
Nearby Shops: Convenient Shopping Options Around Our Holiday Properties
Hello, it’s Carl, and this post is all about the subject of nearby shops. We often get asked if there are shops nearby, and the answer is yes. Let me clarify in a bit more detail, as we have four locations.
Woodfarm Barns and Cottages
At Woodfarm Barns and Cottages, where I am right now, there are shops about a mile away. There’s a place called Stonham Barns, which features a local news agent come village shop type thing. In Debenham, which is 4 miles away, you’ve got the Co-op and a number of other shops including Palfrey and Hall, our preferred butchers. Additionally, there are supermarkets within about 10 minutes’ drive for all your grocery needs.
Woodfarm Tuscany
Over in Woodfarm Tuscany, there are no shops right around us because it’s up the side of a valley. However, it’s only 15 minutes to a massive supermarket called Esselunga in a place called Marlia. It’s a fantastic supermarket with everything you might need.
Our Barges
For our Barges, we’ve got a deli and various shops, coffee shops, and other amenities right at Snape Maltings by Onderneming. Then, Twee Gebroeders in Woodbridge is right on the edge of Woodbridge itself, providing easy access to many local shops.
I hope that answers your questions about nearby shopping options.
I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any unanswered questions, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel simply by clicking on our logo in the top right-hand corner when that comes up. Do subscribe to our newsletters on the homepage of our website; that way we can let you know about last-minute availability, cancellations, competitions, and everything going on in Suffolk. And do follow us on social media as well. I’ll see you on the next video.