WIN goodies with our COVID Captivity Cuppa Countdown Competition (say that after a few!)
What does that even mean you might ask? Well, it’s happening during this captivity madness, it involves you WINNING some posh tea & coffee, and some things to drink it out of. And the countdown bit? I’ve counted the screws I kicked over at the start of lockdown! Possibly the most tenuous competition in the world, but you can still WIN a nice PRIZE!

WIN all these ‘Lockdown Lovelies’ to make your ‘COVID time’ Cuppa experience a thing of beauty. You can even invite friends round to share with you in your garden now. Nah, yer right, just hog it all yerself!
We’re giving away some posh tea & coffee delights from Earsham Street Deli, along with the finest drinkware known to man(or woman)kind. You’ll win ‘Ace Tea’ Lemon Stem Ginger Biscuits, ‘Butterworths’ Suffolk Gold Blend Tea, and their Espresso Latino Coffee, ‘Harris & James’ Pecan and Raisin Chocolate (also proudly from Suffolk), and then a pair of china Woodfarm Mugs to drink it all from, and your very own Woodfarm ‘Keepcups’ if you’re on the run, I mean on the go! We are even chucking in some Woodfarm Trolley Coins and Fridge Magnets too.
If you follow us regularly you will remember at the start of lockdown I knocked over a box of screws and decided to leave them on my garage floor for a rainy day. Well folks, that day arrived this week and I picked them up. All you have to do to WIN this lot is guess correctly how many screws there were in the box!

Let it not be said that I’m not a man of the people. Yes, that’s right, I picked them up myself. Normally I would expect my Butler or Footman to perform this kind of task, but no! On this occasion, I decided to prove to you all that I am still in touch with my roots, and I got down and picked each and every one of those screws up. Not only did I carry out this arduous assignment personally, without the aid of a stunt crew, but I also counted them!
You’ve got to be in it to Woodfarm Win it as our (dodgy) new slogan this week goes!
So, how many screws were there altogether? Just pop your answer in the box and it COULD BE YOU!
We will announce the WINNER on Sunday 7th June 2020 at our Happy Hour Hangout at the Virtual Pub ‘Woodfarm Arms’ on Facebook Live! In the event that more than one of you guesses correctly, we will simply put all the correct answers in a hat and draw one. Either way, we’ll announce our winner then anyway so you’d better tune in to Facebook Live at 6.30pm.
Just to make it really clear and be boring, we have to notify the winner by email first (Facebook rules), so we will email that person live on the air on Sunday and then immediately tell you all who it was!
Terms & Conditions:
The prize for this Competition is a bunch of posh Tea, Coffee and Biscuits from Earsham Street Deli in Bungay, and some Woodfarm vessels with which to enjoy it all.
Please note that we cannot technically announce the winner first on Social Media, it has to be by email. If we do not hear back from you within 48 hours of notifying you that you have won, we will pick another correct entrant and so on until someone responds. By entering you do consent to us announcing your name on Social Media though. We won’t divulge any personal info of course.
We’d obviously really appreciate it if you could then shout it from the rooftops!
There is no cash alternative.
Victor Meldrew clause: If all that doesn’t suit you or you are of the opinion that “no one ever wins these” then feel free to not enter and gaze at your navel instead. We have given away so many things over the years, including free holidays, to some very happy people, but you’ll never be one of them if you bumble through life with Meldrew-shaped chips on your shoulders.
GDPR gubbins:
We absolutely never share your info and we retain it purely and simply so we can keep you informed. Informed of our regular Competitions like this one, Exclusive VIP Offers, Cancellations, Events, Places of Interest to you, and News from around the beautiful County of Suffolk. It is called Marketing. We keep you informed of the good stuff so that you may consider us when making your holiday and short break decisions.
If you do not wish to hear about the things I mentioned you can opt out at any time simply by unsubscribing. Or, and I’m going out on a limb here, don’t enter and we won’t have your details to pore over in our evil lair in the first place.
We do not bombard you. This is just a small, independent business, working hard to promote escapes from the norm in Suffolk; that’s all. We are not out to get you!
We would love to stay in touch with you but it is your choice. We have built our database in a very professional and responsible way and continually given you the opportunity to not hear from us again. If you choose to ‘leave’ us then I wish you all the best for the future and hope you have enjoyed reading what we have had to say in the past. Miss you already.