International Women’s Day question: Are women better at booking holidays than men?
As International Women’s Day 2024 fast approaches, I’m going to ask you a simple question: Are women better at booking holidays than men?
The Sunday Times ran an article asking this question the other day, and guess what? Most of our bookings come from women, and according to The Sunday Times, statistics show that the majority of trips are booked by women.
We wrote a piece in 2023 about what a typical Woodfarm customer looks like. It covered how our typical customer did lots of research to ensure they found a great holiday, as it can be a minefield, as we all know. Do have a read of that too. The only thing we didn’t say is that most of the bookings are done by the ladies, purely because most of our guests are couples. And before you try to push me down another rabbit hole of contention, we do get lots of gay guests too, both male and female.
My personal opinion is that, if I am to generalise, blokes can overlook details and just book without really thinking. Please don’t shout at me, chaps!
A 2017 Skyscanner study found that 75 per cent of women in straight couples do the holiday research. They also tend to spend longer researching the options.
In the article in The Sunday Times, the author Cathy Adams spoke to psychologist Dr Sandra Wheatley. “Women are better than men at booking holidays for a basic psychological reason: women can multitask.”
“Natural multitaskers end up with this role, whether men or women, but it’s more likely to be the woman, because they are better at it. You need input from everybody but you need somebody to pull it together, and that will be the most organised, socially aware member of the family.”
And just before the fellas come marching to my door in the night with torches, and beating it down with pitchforks, men can of course also do this well, just sayin’.
Anyway, what do you think?
Man in grey shirt image by Ludovic Migneault
Featured image by Lauren Mancke