Grass Roots Designs is our landscaping partner!
When I first put my business plan together I put an arbitrary budget of £800 for landscaping in. Woodfarm House was fairly established but that was it. All six barns needed landscaping from scratch. I was being very ‘blokey’ about it and just figured that’d cover it! This is what it looked like back then.
This was the view from the roof of the Granary Barn, looking across where we now have the pond and decking, Alde Barn and Deben Barn.
Then I started going out with a landscape designer and the budget was left behind. Big time! Whilst this has had a serious effect on the bank balance, it has had a positive effect on the overall appearance of my holiday cottages! And I’m delighted with the results.
This is a similar angle now, though a lot closer. This is Alde and Deben Barns, with lots of lovely landscaping, courtesy of Anne from Grass Roots Designs.
Anne has worked tirelessly, coming up with all sorts of great ideas, battling with me over the budget, and then just getting on with it! Here she is wondering where on earth to start.
We have some amazing views here, all thanks to Anne. Here she is planting our Salix trees along the driveway.
Whilst I am over the moon with how it looks here, for the benefit of our guests, I now know not to question her methods. Even when she hoovers up cuttings!
Anne can offer a FREE consultation whilst you are staying here if you would like to discuss your own garden and plans. Her follow-up services can all be done by email with photos and over the phone. Whilst she doesn’t have a website presently, she does have a presence on Facebook, where you can contact her directly.