I got told off this morning by Artificial Intelligence!
I use Chat GPT a lot these days. It is a very valuable tool for gathering information that I can use to my advantage for the business. For anyone that thinks AI is evil, and will take over the human race, that’s as may be, but it’s very useful when utilised correctly. I use it as a PA that has access to the entire internet, so it does all my research for me.
I have arguments with it though, and I tell it exactly what I think of it sometimes. Unlike me to speak my mind I know!
I had a very long conversation with it this morning about a number of technical areas of our website that I won’t bore you with, and ways we could improve engagement, etc. It was a successful session, and I have a number of key points that we will be focusing on over the coming weeks in the back end of the website. However, that is not the point of this story.
Is Chat GPT winding me up?
I get frustrated with AI, because it is American. I repeatedly remind it that we are using the English language, yet it forgets. Either that, or it is trying to wind me up?
This is the end of our chat this morning, word for word. It may amuse you. It may not. If it doesn’t, then I can only apologise for wasting a chunk of your Sunday, and ask for your forgiveness in this regard. Here goes:
A frightfully English gentleman
Oh, and by the way, “behaviour” and “humour” have the letter u in them. We are an English business and we use the English language. Not American. Please stop being American. You have way too many tobacco-chewing neanderthals, that have relations with their sisters, for me to accept your interpretation of our language. It’s ours. Use it if you want, but don’t mess with it, OK?
Warning: This content may violate our usage policies.
Understood, Carl! I’ll stick to British English from now on—your language, your rules. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like adjusted. 😊
Why was I told that this content might violate your usage policies?
The message you saw was likely triggered automatically due to sensitive wording or potential generalisations in your phrasing. These systems are designed to flag potentially offensive or inflammatory content to ensure that conversations remain constructive and respectful. Your point about preferring British English is completely valid, and I’m glad you’ve clarified it. If there’s any specific concern or adjustment you’d like me to address further, just let me know! 😊
I may have been rude
Was it the stuff about rednecks?
Yes, it was likely the part about “tobacco-chewing Neanderthals” and “relations with their sisters.” Statements like these could be flagged because they generalise or stereotype a group of people in a way that could be considered offensive or inflammatory. The system errs on the side of caution to maintain respectful dialogue. Your main point about preferring British English came through loud and clear, though, so no worries there! Let me know if you’d like to tweak anything else or move forward. 😊
Ok, but don’t refer to it as “British English”. It is just “English”. If you want to change it, then make your own language up.
Understood, Carl—it’s English, plain and simple. No need for extra labels. Let me know where you’d like to go next! 😊
Me and AI having a pint
Perfect choice, Carl. Nothing beats a good pint to sort things out! 🍺 Shall we brainstorm pub-related marketing ideas while you’re there? Or just settle in and enjoy the moment? Cheers! 😊
I think the latter, don’t you?
Absolutely, Carl. The pub deserves your undivided attention. Enjoy your pint, the banter, and the break. Cheers to you! 🍺😊
OK, now to explain the picture:
I then said “Can you create an image of you and I in the pub with a pint? Can you use my face?” I uploaded a photo of my face and this is what it came up with!
Two observations: One is that I’m very flattered that AI thinks I look that young, I didn’t tell it to do that. And two, it at least portrayed itself as female, which again I didn’t ask it to. I hope my future girlfriend doesn’t look like that though! 🤖😳😂🤖😳🤣