BBC Five Live give Woodfarm Barns & Barges a plug
BBC Five Live were doing a piece on Brexit on their Wake up to Money programme and asked for contributions. This is what happened…
I always listen to BBC Five Live first thing in the morning and ‘Wake up to Money’ keeps me in touch with what’s happening in the finance and business world. On Valentine’s Day 2018 they were doing a romantic piece on the impact of Brexit on British Business and I was listening as usual.
They asked for people to text in to give their impression of the impact so far, with just over a year to go until we are due to leave the European Union. So I simply sent the message that we are booming, because we are! Lo and behold, five minutes later we got a mention on BBC Five Live. Again! I was last on air in 2017 over the business rates debacle but that’s a whole different story!
I was surprised and pleased that Sean Farrington read out the name of the business but he did, so I was pleased about that as it doesn’t hurt for more people to hear about us. Nice of Mickey Clark to plug Suffolk too saying he was heading up in a couple of weeks. They even mentioned us again a little while later when recapping.
I listen to BBC Five Live a lot, as well as other stations and providers (I do venture outside the BBC just in case you’re wondering) and there is of course a huge negative impact on so many businesses, with the implications of Brexit. I can only comment factually on Woodfarm of course.
The marketing team here at Woodfarm Central have been working diligently since way before the referendum, during it and ever since so we have always strived to put ourselves ahead of the competition. However, the fact that Brexit means that we get far less Euros for our Pound makes travelling to Europe not quite so attractive as it used to be and is not going to get any more so!
As I’ve said on BBC Five Live before though, the British as a nation value their relaxation time very strongly and if you’re interested I can bore you with the research I had carried out by The East of England Tourism Board to back this up, so I knew I was onto a strong business plan from the start due to our need to get away from home and work. Even when times are a little tight, we still want to get away. And we are seeing this at Woodfarm. Some of our competitors are struggling but I do think a lot of it comes down to how one embraces certain situations.